Yoni steaming

WE AS WOMEN HOLD ON TO A LOT! We do a lot, we perform twice as hard to prove ourselves. We are mothers, friends, sisters, wives and so much more! So it’s inspiring when I see women becoming more and more aligned with their bodies. Embracing everything that comes with it. Not only listening to its needs but doing what needs to be done to become a better version of themselves and being divinely aligned with everything that her body has to offer.

Women are strong beyond comparison, and often times we tend to heal everyone around us excluding ourselves. So it warms my heart to see women healing from within. Taking the necessary steps to restore those deep wounded hurt that we hold unto and disguise it in the form of “being strong all the time.”

We become so many things to so many people, so much so we forget to care for ourselves. We forget to do the necessary things that remind us of the virtuous, Independent women we are. This week I’ve had the privilege to watch the red table talk with Jada Pinkett Smith, Willow Smith, Adrienne Banfield-Norris, and the famous, beautiful Queen Afua. The link to this video can be shown here.

I loved everything about it. I love what the women stood for—they seeing how unbelievably incredible yoni steaming is. I love how this show educated other women on how to not only heal but thrive through the process of yoni steaming.

But what I loved the most was that these women had now become aware of the amount of baggage that we tend to hold in our wombs. Leading to countless illnesses because of that baggage.

Though I loved everything about the video, there were a few things that peaked my concern.

1. There’s this saying that goes, “one size shoes can’t feet everyone” it’s the same for yoni steaming. It is not advisable, neither is it recommended to give the same set of herbs to different women. Each woman’s body is different. The experiences that they go through, their illnesses, their purpose for doing the yoni steam is different. Each herb aid in a different purpose. So giving the same herbs to different women without knowing the proper information about them is like a doctor not knowing a client’s illness and prescribing medication anyway. Every woman should have a set of herbs chosen for them according to the reasons behind doing the yoni steam.

2. One common mistake is not talked about a lot but should be because it is hazardous, especially on a long-term basis. It’s the use of plastic when yoni steaming. I’m even cringing just thinking about it! IF YOU ARE DOING THIS! STOP RIGHT AWAY! IT’S NOT HEALTHY, AND IT’S DEFINITELY NOT SAFE! If you don’t believe me, check this article about the dangers of heating plastic. Using a plastic bowl, the heat of the herbal water causes the plastic’s chemicals to enter the water and obviously, and ultimately, entering the body. This defeats the purpose of yoni steaming because eventually, all those chemicals and toxins will get you sick! And who wants that? My loves, it is ALWAYS best to use stainless steel when doing your yoni steaming.


3. You should boil your herbal water in a pot as opposed to the kettle. In that way, it keeps the heat for a more extended period.

Yoni steaming is a sacred ritual that should be appreciated for all that it is and all the benefits that it brings us, women! I’m happy that more and more women are seeking natural alternatives to healing their insides instead of other pharmaceutical drugs with so many side effects. Nature in all its fullness was given to us so that we were able to heal from its natural essence. At my yoni spa, I make it a point of duty to ensure that every woman gets to embrace and heal her temple and make it transform into something greater than it once was.