the main ingredient

“Appreciate the feeling of being young and in love, for your youth is but for a moment. Here now, gone tomorrow. It will be gone with a blink of an eye. So you better accept that reality and live in your now”

“The beauty resides within and outside is only but a mere body that deteriorates with the cruel timing of the clock, embrace it.”

“Wrinkles and lines come with age, do no not discriminate it but accept it.”

These and so much more are all the archaic myths that are said to accept the disadvantages of aging. Not putting up a fight against its wrinkles, blemishes, lines in areas that only makes it harder and harder to face reality in the mirror. Feeling a never-ending battle with worthless products is ridiculously expensive but never lives up to its prestigious reputation. Well, I say no more to this cruelty! No more accepting all of those wrinkles! No more hating the fact that you are getting older and older! It is time that you embrace it, for the older the berry, the sweeter the juice. It is time to get sweeter and sweeter as the clock spins. But how? How can I love the older me when it is deteriorating, and there is nothing I can do about it? You may ask. What if all of that could be changed with one simple yet a revolutionary thing that transformed the beauty industry. What if you can decrease the depth of wrinkles by 40% and increase skin hydration up to 96%! It is unbelievably believable, right! Some would say it is the foundation of youth. Others would say it is the secret formula to what makes Patti Labelle, Diana Ross, Gladys Knight, and the famous Tina turner not look a day over 50! It is the main ingredient to love! God’s gift to humanity. It is called “Hyaluronic acid.”

Hyaluronic acid is a clear, gooey substance naturally occurring throughout the human body and is commonly found in our eyes, joints, and connective tissues. You may ask, “If it found in the body, how can it be used to fight against the consequences of time on your skin?” There is a lab manufactured form used in a variety of skincare products due to its hydrating properties. Like with everything else that flourishes, the skin needs water to maintain its firmness. However, as your physical body ages with time, it becomes harder for your skin to retain the necessary moisture. As a result, it becomes dry, loses elasticity and firmness. The consequence of that makes the skin appear dehydrated and show signs of aging.

Hyaluronic acid is innovative because it can hold 1000 times its weight in water and help plump up dry areas. Giving the skin moisture and gloss needed to help the skin shine as bright as the sun. Could you imagine your skin’s vibrancy competing with the sun regardless of age! There are multiple benefits when using this acid topically. When applied with a serum or lotion, it can help your skin appear suppler, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles will diminish with continued use. It hydrates and helps retain hydration in the skin. It also has antioxidant properties and can serve as protection from environmental aggression such as pollution. Talk about revolutionary! Many people cringe or shy away from acids on the skin, and rightfully they should. A lot of acids are actually terrible for the skin and can cause permanent damages to it. However, this acid does the complete opposite. It is more than an exception, alleviating the intimidation that comes with acidity and skin.

There are plenty of suitable candidates for hyaluronic acid. It is incredibly accessible, found anywhere from the drugstore aisle to prestige beauty counters. Suppose you find yourself battling with the cruelty of time, suffering from extremely dry or dehydrated skin. Looking at yourself in the mirror and yearn to fight against the savage effects that aging has on your skin, or you are also looking to begin an anti-aging skincare regime. In that case, hyaluronic acid is a great ingredient to start with. You should consider

using hyaluronic acid-based products in your skincare routine. It will change the way you look and the way you feel about yourself. It is safe for all skin types and can be used daily as part of your skin routine.

Say goodbye to the wrinkles and lines you so desperately want to get rid of and say hello to a fresh face. The fountain of youth that would keep you looking good, have your skin moisturized, and your confidence over the moon!