every body is different

They say that having a slim tummy, big boobs, a big behind, and a face to die for is what should be acceptable as the beauty standard, and God forbid if you’re not that, then you’re not good enough. Says who though? Who says we’re not good enough? Society and its rules? People and their beliefs? I worked so hard trying to fit into beauty standards when I was younger. Starving myself to death, counting each calorie, weighing each pound. Slowly killing myself into sicknesses that could’ve been avoided all because I wanted to fit in. Until I saw that I was never created to fit into society’s rules of what they say beauty is.

It was then I started my journey of genuinely loving all of me, all of my imperfections, all of my flaws that I saw when I looked in the mirror. Society has a way of shoving things down our throats and trick us into thinking that their way is the only way. BUT NO!!!! YOU define your beauty standards! You create the beauty that you want for yourself. Whether you’re big or small, short or tall, thin or thick. Your body is your temple, your body is your home. CHERISH IT! Love it for all that it is and all that it isn’t. No longer should you give people the power to shame you into not loving all that you are for who you are.

YOU ARE MAJESTIC JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. That’s why Herb’soil was created, because we were sick and tired of all these beauty standards that destroys a woman’s confidence forcing us to be something that we’re not. We were sick and tired of all these false narratives that trick women into believing that their skin, that THEY are not good enough! Listen to me! YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! It’s time to live unapologetically my love and be comfortable in your skin because WHEN YOU ARE COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN, YOU CAN THRIVE!

Every body is different. READ THAT AGAIN. ******

You know, I tried competing with people on social media. I forced my body to become what I thought was a “perfect body” I thought I could be someone else, and only then would I love me. Oh how dreadfully wrong was I. I never knew that I was one of a kind. I never knew that my body was one of a kind. So I mistreated it. If that is you, I’m telling you to stop. It’s not worth it comparing yourself to the things and people you see online and in person. Do you know that you have superpowers? Don’t believe me? Okay…

Do you know that you are the only person like you on this entire planet? You are the only person who can do the things that you do, the way that you do it. That right there is your superpower. Oh what a disservice you would do to yourself if you never learned to use that superpower you have been blessed with from birth. Why suppress it by trying to be someone else? Your magic lies within your uniqueness, and with herbsoil, we strive to let women know that being themselves is enough. Being comfortable with YOU is enough because when you are comfortable in your own skin, you can thrive.