Unluckily lucky

So what happens when we are shut down! Our voices being labeled as invaluable? Ridiculous? Violent? We should stand and fight for what we deserve! We should fight for the greater good! So the next generation would be released from stigmatizations, labels, discriminations. We should fight so that the next generation could have a clean, green world to wake up to and enjoy. That’s what we do!

We should fight for justice and equality in our systems! We should fight for what we know is right!
We should fight for our respect and dignity!
We should fight for our moral values!

We should continue to fight patricidal societies too stuck in the past. For it was created to keep society bound in a cage with little windows where there is no oxygen, suffocating us to death? God forbid! This generation is as eagles.

We were built with the ability to soar higher and higher than ever before. Fighting for the rights, the freedom that our grandparents, great grandparents, and great-great-grandparents longed for. This generation was created to fight for our well-deserved rights. No longer shall we be muted!

No longer shall our voices be taken away from us for the sake of comfortability. No longer shall we remain still while our neighbors, family, friends, and society continue to suffer in silence.

We stand together in solidarity and say NO MORE!
No matter the voice, no matter the language, no matter the color, no matter the background! Black Lives Matter
No justice, no peace
Equality now!
¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!
Save our planet
Trans is beautiful
Love is love
Disability rights are human rights.
No human is illegal
Smash the patriarchy!
Whose streets? Our streets!

All these are words spoken from mouths who want to live in a free world from mental slavery. Free from toxins that poison our soils, messes with our natural ecosystem! Mother Nature is crying to be free from poisonous chemicals, wasteful trash that makes her seas sick, makes her animals yearn for death.

For we are all connected to her, we need her to survive. So why so calm about our waste? Why so calm of what we put in her system?

Below the masks and the different color skin, we are all flesh with blood pumping through the depths of our veins.

But our rights and what we stand for never has and will never be easy as one, two, and three.

Throughout the paths of history, justice was never freely given! It was never a free pass or a walk in the park! And sometimes, it had to be taken by force.

Think of Martin Luther King, who strived for racial equality and human rights for African Americans. Maybe, just maybe voting would be non-existent within the black community if he and many others like him did not fight for voters rights.

Think of Greta Thunberg, who stood for and is still standing to address the problem of climate change. If she did not stand for what she believed was right, maybe just maybe, the world’s leaders would not be so sensitized about climate change and its effects.

Think of the famous Helen Keller who was broke the odds and the stigmatization of “persons who live with a disability could not follow their dreams.” She proved them wrong by being a dead and blind woman who not only learned how to read but graduated from University! She proved that people with disabilities should be treated as any other normal human being should. That “having a disability is not a death sentence.”

Think of Nong Toom, who stood for her rights by being the first transgender female in boxing. Not only her but many other transgender women in the boxing industry. She made way for so many other transgender women to feel accepted enough to do just as she did and fight confidently within the ring. Maybe, just maybe, if she did not take that bold step, many who followed her footsteps would have shied themselves away from the boxing ring.

It all begins with taking a stand.
It begins with a voice, a strong belief. For if you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything.

Your voice is important! It is of value and just might be the one to make a difference within your community. So stand! Choose the path of courage over the feeling of being in your comfort zone, for nothing good or rewarding ever comes from remaining in your comfort zone!

And no, we can’t match every day.

But there are so many things that we could do or say to make a big difference in places we never thought possible. In churches, in schools, in synagogues! There is never the perfect place and perfect time to stand up for something or something!

Celebrate diversity, for all body types, all the different type of hair, the different color skins deserve celebrations

There is strength indifference for what a dull world it would be if everyone were the same. Together we can do great things, for there is strength in unity.
Empower one another, be there for one another, and speak up for one another
Love thy neighbors as you love yourself.

Choose kindness and carry empathy inside your heart.
Give peace a chance, let it flow within you and exuberate out of you. All are welcome here. Nobody is left out.